This online puzzle can be played by an individual, couple, or team. Play in one location or across multiple locations by communicating virtually.

Watch this video:

How it works 🛰️

  1. Get instructions: Fork the Read Me First collection to your own workspace. Share your work in a team or public workspace so others can review issues.
  2. Review mission: Send the API call in the collection for instructions on how to collect the clues.
  3. Submit final solution: When you think you've gathered all the data, validate your solution by providing the required information to Mission Control.
  4. Claim badge: Successfully completing the mission allows you to join the leaderboard and claim your Lost in Space Postman badge.

game badge


  1. Sign in to Postman: Create a Postman account if you don't have one already, and log into Postman for the web in your browser. To use Postman in a web browser, download and run the Postman agent on your local machine to overcome cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) limitations. The agent is not the same as the app. On a Mac, you will see an icon for the Postman agent running in the status menu at the top right of your computer screen. On a Windows machine, the Postman agent icon displays in the system tray at the bottom right of your computer screen.
  2. Create a workspace: Create a new Postman workspace with visibility set to Team if you are collaborating with teammates.

What You'll Learn

Frequently Asked Questions

Fork the 📓 Read Me First collection to your own workspace.

Run in Postman

Then Send the API call in the collection for instructions on how to collect the clues.

When you think you've gathered all the data, validate your final solution by providing the required information to 👩‍🚀 Mission Control.

Run in Postman

This challenge is not intended to be a comprehensive or structured learning experience. It's possible that you acquire some technical skills. But the primary purpose of this challenge is for fun, if you like this kind of thing.

To see what else you can do with Postman, check out the following resources:

If you want to play more games, check these out: