Let's make the world programmable.

Lob helps creators extend their applications into the physical world with automated direct mail and address verification APIs.

We've created a 10 min walkthrough showing how to get started with Lob API collections.


What You'll Learn

What You'll Build

In order to use the collections in this public workspace, you'll select the Lob API collection and fork it into your personal workspace.

You'll also want to setup environment variables. A short cut is to fork Lob Public Env from Lob's public workspace. You also have the option to create them yourself.

Your API keys are located under Settings. You'll use the SECRET API KEYS that begin with test*. for your Test API key and live*. for your Live API key.

postman get api keys

Set the Current Value for LIVE_API_KEY and TEST_API_KEY to your Lob "live" and "test" API keys and click Save.

postman set api keys

Make sure Lob Public Env is selected in the environment menu.

postman select environment

Start exploring Lob's API collection.

The Test API key is used for all print & mail related endpoints while the Live API key is used for the address verification endpoint.